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US Insurance Companies and Life Insurance Quotes

The US is one of those countries in the world which boast a major number of life insurance companies. The various companies offer different life insurance quotes to its customers. One must know which policy he needs to cover all his expenses and then go for it.US Insurance Companies and Its PoliciesThe popularity of US life insurance policies have grown radically over the past few years. It observed 12% annual growth from the year 2002 to 2004, whereas only 3% growth in its assets was observed by the industry between the year 2000 and 2002.Some of the popular US insurance companies include MetLife, New York Insurance, Prudential Financial, Mass. Mutual Life Insurance, TIAA-CREF, UnumProvident, Principal Financial, Northwestern Mutual, Assurant, AFLAC, Lincoln National, Pacific Life, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Jefferson-Pilot, Conseco, Western & Southern Financial, Mutual of Omaha Insurance, Torchmark and Unitrin. These companies offer great insurance quotes to its customers.Out of these, Aviva plc is the fifth-largest insurance group in the world and second-largest insurance group in Canada. AXA is a French insurance group of companies engaged in life, health and other insurances. It ranks as the 15th biggest company in the world. Allianz is one of the largest financial services providers in the world, whose core business focuses around insurance. Besides, there is New York Insurance Company (NYLIC), which is the largest mutual life-insurance company in the United States. It is also considered as the largest life insurers in the world. All these insurance companies and many others as well offer various insurance quotes, which not only cover the insurer’s life, but also provide security against any loss of income and such accidents.About Life Insurance QuotesThere are various insurance quotes, but before purchasing a quote an insurer should make a thorough research about them in the market. These quotes depend upon the health issues, family history and other factors of an individual. There are some specialized insurance quotes available for those who have high cholesterol, height/weight issues, past experience of heart disease or Cancer. Besides these there are other factors which an insurer should verify before purchasing a policy. The five mistakes that often people make while purchasing a life insurance quote are:1. Apply for unconditional lowest term life insurance quote without taking into account other benefits.
2. Apply for a lower sum of coverage without considering the future expenses like college tuition fees, mortgage payments an others.
3. Assume that the life insurance is the best available without knowing that every company finances a little differently.
4. Not review old insurance policies and enquire whether the rates and products have changed.
5. Laps or cancel any insurance without finding out the worth of the policy in the Life Settlement market.Besides these points, one must know that most of the life insurance policies are purchased through an agent or broker, who might not always be reliable. Therefore, one can take help from his friends and relatives who can refer him to a trustworthy agent or broker.These are the most common pitfalls one must avoid to get the best life insurance quotes and make the best use of their insurance policies.